
Sneak Peek – Weather+ for Windows Phone 8, a new and powerful forecast app


True fact, nosotros were just hit with a blizzard here in the Due north E. Information technology's routine for this part of the state, but that doesn't mean we don't demand a good weather forecasting app.  Step in Conditions+, a forthcoming app course developer Bailey Stein. Due for release on January 10th, we got a sneak peek of information technology and want to give you a tour.

So what makes this app and then special? Well, information technology does a few unique things that we oasis't seen in weather apps, plus it has a very make clean design. Head by the break to see our video tour, some screen grabs and what to expect!

Atmospheric condition+ will come in ii flavors: free and an optional $ane.99 'pro' version accomplished though an in-app upgrade. The free version is 100% with no ads either, but obviously the $1.99 one has a few more bells and whistles with unlocked features. Weather data is pulled from Atmospheric condition Underground.

Gray theme with colour icons, radar and weather advisory

The primary design points of the app are panels and gestures. The weather is laid out in a clean, clear way and gestures are used to navigate between the current conditions, days, hours and radar screens. There is a brief tutorial explaining how it all works, which you lot tin can besides admission at any time. The gestures work pretty well, though they can be a fiddling cumbersome at times. You lot'll either like 'em or not.

Other notable features include:

  • Google Now Way Phonation Commands
  • Custom Atmospheric condition Icons (Pro)
  • Live Tile (Pro)
  • Warning Toast Notifications (Pro)

The voice commands work very well by allowing you lot to ask things like "exercise I need an umbrella?" or "what is the forecast for Monday?". With the custom weather icons, you can pick from three schemes and even mix and match for unlike atmospheric condition conditions. Heck, yous can even add your ain images/icons for that custom design.

Radar prototype on Live Tile (back)

The Live Tile is bright and assuming with electric current conditions, temperature, location and it flips to reveal a radar image. Many of you have asked for that feature, and then at that place you become. The Toast notifications also work brilliantly by alerting you to of import weather changes. It utilizes a custom notification sound taken from the emergency circulate system (you'll demand Update 3 to use that). Trust u.s.a., you'll hear this when information technology goes off.

Alternate black theme with not-color icons

Overall, Weather+ is shaping up to exist a very powerful and well-designed atmospheric condition app for Windows Phone 8. The gestures may exist off-putting for some, but all the remainder results in an outstanding bundle.

What do you folks call up? Let u.s. know comments!

Conditions+ is due on Jan 10th and we'll tell y'all when information technology goes alive. For at present, you tin can read more about information technology on Bailey's blog.


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