
No new Xbox Windows Phone game this week - let's look at games that SHOULD be made

No Xbox Wndows Phone release

As our game-playing readers have probably noticed by now, Xbox for Windows Telephone isn't truly out of drought territory just yet. In that location is no new Xbox release this week. We asked Microsoft whether the 2 free Gameloft games on Tuesday were intended to make up for the lack of release. Unfortunately, those games existence offered for gratis resulted from a Store glitch that has since been corrected.

Microsoft couldn't tell us whether in that location will be a new Xbox Windows Phone game side by side week, either. Information technology's clear that the problems facing the platform won't go away any time soon. Let'south just hope our editorial series can inspire the powers that exist to motion things in a ameliorate management… In the meantime, nosotros've got another rumor explaining the lack of games and a hefty list of titles that Microsoft could and should be producing for Windows Phone!

Windows Telephone viii troubles

Angry Birds Star Wars
Angry Birds Star Wars feels so alone equally one of only two WP8 games released.

As y'all might expect, Windows Telephone 8 is the current focus of new mobile Xbox evolution. There are withal some Windows Phone 7 games coming, only a fair number of games planned for release this twelvemonth won't piece of work on the older OS. This includes Temple Run, Fairway Solitaire, Gameloft's lineup, and probably other unannounced titles.

Microsoft has promoted Windows Phone viii every bit being easier to develop for than the previous OS cheers to its back up of C++ and DirectX. We besides know that multiplatform game engines will eventually be bachelor for Windows Phone eight development. Nevertheless, at this moment in time, there seem to exist some growing pains keeping Xbox games for the new mobile OS from release. Yes, two Angry Birds games made it to release, simply those very simple games were in the works for some time before Windows Phone eight even launched.

Nosotros can't become more specific, but multiple developers take given u.s. hints that actually getting an Xbox Windows Phone 8 game by certification is proving challenging. Those whispers tie in with my previous editorial about the certification procedure beingness a major impediment to the platform receiving new games. On iOS and Android, developers can go games to marketplace very quickly after development wraps. On Windows Telephone (7 or 8), it takes months of bouncing builds back and along betwixt the certification squad. That proves costly for developers and keeps new games from reaching users in a timely fashion.

What should have been

Halo Wars
I hear strategy games like Halo Wars work pretty well on phones.

Alright, and so the new Bone and existing certification hurdles are keeping some games from launching expediently. Nevertheless, Microsoft isn't accepting sufficient Xbox Windows Phone game submissions or spearheading new games like it should exist.

Nosotros'll tackle this bailiwick in far greater item in next calendar week's How to salvage Xbox games for Windows Telephone editorial, simply let'due south take a cursory glance now. Here are some games that could have been released this week, if only Microsoft had chosen to really make them. I'chiliad not proverb these titles were pitched, only they're properties that Microsoft owns the publishing rights to and has the money to develop mobile versions of – if just they felt similar information technology. Most of these games would port easily to Windows Telephone, while some would likely need a off-white amount of reworking.

  1. Halo (offset-person shooter)
  2. Halo Wars
  3. Gears of War
  4. Forza (This needn't exist a full sim. The Forza brand has already branched out with Forza Horizon.)
  5. Project Gotham Racing
  6. Fable (Sure, we take Fable Coin Golf game on WP7 and it might eventually piece of work on WP8. At present let's make a real portable action-RPG version!)
  7. Minecraft (There'due south already an iOS version!)
  8. A World of Keflings
  9. Age of Empires
  10. Banjo-Kazooie
  11. Conker
  12. Reddish Alliance
  13. Ruby-red Skies
  14. Grit: An Elysian Tale
  15. Gunpowder
  16. The Gunstringer
  17. Fe Brigade
  18. Joy Ride Turbo
  19. Kameo
  20. Links
  21. Mahjong
  22. Microsoft Flight Simulator
  23. Microsoft Solitaire Drove
  24. Perfect Dark
  25. Shadow Circuitous
  26. Shao-Lin's Road (Remember, this ane is already complete and Microsoft stubbornly refuses to release it.)
  27. S Park Let'southward Go Belfry Defense Play!
  28. Spelunky
  29. Taptiles (I doubtable this one is secretly in evolution.)
  30. The Maw
  31. Time Pilot (Same deal equally Shao-Lin'southward Route.)
  32. Toy Soldiers: Cold State of war
  33. Trials
  34. Viva PiƱata
  35. Wreckateer
  36. WSOP: Full House Pro (This ane isn't out on other platforms notwithstanding, but it deserves mention again.)
  37. Zoo Tycoon

Can you imagine if even half of those titles made their way to Xbox Windows Phone? We'd be in gaming heaven! Did we miss any Microsoft-published games that you lot remember would be great on phones, loyal readers?

Photo courtesy of Crossroads of Sorcery


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