
BetterDesktopTools adds Expose & Spaces like features to Windows PC

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Managing multiple windows can be a tedious job when multitasking. This is a usual trouble faced by web designers, PCB designers, copywriters, app managers and even common household users. Anyhow, there is an excellent solution to this problem in the form of this software called 'BetterDesktopTools'.


BetterDesktopTool helps you create useful shortcuts, similar to the Mac OS 10'southward Exposé and Spaces features, on your Windows calculator. It also comes with a Virtual Desktop feature that allows you lot to rapidly switch between multiple PCs. Let us see its features in curt.

Add together Expose & Spaces like features to Windows

BetterDesktopTools adds Expose & Spaces like features to Windows PC

Arranging Windows in a non-overlapping manner: Betterdesktoptoolshas an choice called 'Alternate Window Overview'. Using it we tin can arrange all the currently open windows in a format where they don't overlap each other. Although doing so decreases the size of each window, it is better than opening each of them, again and again, to consult for small details. Thus it helps save time and effort.

Desktop Overview: In case y'all need to minimize all the windows at once and admission your basic desktop, in that location is no need to minimize them 1 past one. The 'Desktop Overview' feature allows you to swap dorsum to the desktop instantly by pressing a single combination of keys.

Virtual Desktop: This is the all-time characteristic of this software. You lot can connect with multiple monitors and access their desktops and windows on the same screen. Then you can swap between whichever is to exist used. Thus, you can handle all of them simultaneously.

Multiple Monitor Back up: The software is basically created in order to support multiple monitors. All of its features whether Desktop Overview, Virtual Desktop or Windows Overview are designed for the aforementioned. Hence, it makes the toughest of your piece of work very simple.

This software helps you arrange your desktop and windows – but it will take fourth dimension to acquire how to use it. Although information technology has an option of creating combination keys in order to use its features, at one button hits, these combinations demand to be set up for each corner of the screen which is quite tedious and one volition have to call back each and every combination that is set upwardly. In curt, information technology is a peachy software to utilise, merely will some time to become used to.

BetterDesktopTools gratis download

Yous tin download the software from the official website. BetterDesktopTool is free for individual and personal use.


The writer, Lee Whittington, loves to use his learned talents to write software equally a hobby. He also also enjoys playing with Photoshop and is a serious Windows, Software, Gadgets & a Tech news buff. Lee has studied Visual Basic, C++ and Networking.


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