Share your real-time location with others

You can choose who can find your location and how long to share your location with Google Location Sharing.

Tip: Other Google products may also allow you to share a one-time location with others.

Location Sharing availability

Important: You cannot share your location in Maps Go. Learn more about Maps Go features.

Share your location

Share with a person who has a Google Account

Share with a person who doesn't have a Google Account

Stop sharing

Share your estimated time of arrival

Get someone's location

Find someone's location

Ask for someone's location

After you ask for your contact's location, they get your email address, a notification and can:

  • View your profile to verify who you are.
  • Share their location with you.
  • Ignore your request.
  • Block you. You can't ask for their location anymore.

Hide or show someone's location

Hide someone's location

If you don't want someone's real-time location on your map, you can hide it. You can turn their location back on at any time.

  1. On your Android phone or tablet, open the Google Maps app​ Maps.
  2. On the map, tap their icon.
  3. At the bottom, tap More More.
  4. Tap Hide from map.

Tip: You can permanently block someone's location from your map. Learn how to block another person's account.

Turn on someone's location you've hidden

Deny or block a location request

If you don't want to share your location with someone in Google Maps, you can:

  • Deny the request: Tap No. Your location isn't shared.
  • Block the requester: Tap Block. Your location isn't shared and the requester can't ask for your location anymore. When you block someone, it affects how they can contact you in other Google products. Learn more about blocking users.

Unblock someone

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